An apartment at Umbrella House is currently available. It is a former one bedroom since renovated to an open plan, approximately 400sf.
The 2024 sale price for Apartment 2B is $163,587. Sale is restricted to those earning no more than 120% of Area Median Income, as per the following schedule:
Household Size: 1 $118,680
Household Size: 2 $135,600
Household Size: 3 $152,520
The monthly maintenance fee for Apartment 2B in 2024 will be $469.
Umbrella House HDFC is a limited-equity co-op. Since the purpose of such co-ops is to maintain and continue affordable housing for the benefit of the community and not for the personal gain of any individual or corporation, there are resale and other restrictions on shareholders. These restrictions are identified in the Regulatory Agreement governing the operation of the HDFC.
The deadline for completed applications and all requested documentation is WEDNESDAY JANUARY 17, 2024.
There will be an opportunity to view the available apartment on January 6 & 9 2024. If you would like to be invited to the apartment viewing please email your NAME and PHONE NUMBER to apartment [at]
Following review of submitted applications and related documentation, applicants meeting required criteria will be invited to meet with Umbrella House HDFC shareholders for an interview.
Umbrella House Application (as a PDF)
Umbrella House Application (as a Word Doc)
Return the application and all requested documentation via mail to the address below or provide all required documents electronically using the Document Upload Link.
Late applications will not be accepted.
1) Document Upload Link
2) Mailing Address:
Steven Englander
Umbrella House HDFC
21 Avenue C New York, NY 10009